All Night Sitting
Debating at the Oxford Union is an ex- tremely cold and hard business, the benches being very solid and the chamber having a sepulchral chill about it. Visiting speakers have to......
Red Light
A friend writes: 'A relative of mine went to the magnificent headquarters of the Southern Electricity Board in Kidlington near Oxford to get an account cleared and was left......
The Spectator's Notebook
While admiring the courage and resourceful- ness of a man like Commander Shepherd, who takes off for a walk around the moon this Saturday at the ripe old astronautical age of......
Wise Guys Stay Home
Ever since Nkrumah, to the general relief and good of all, was caught on a hop African leaders have thought twice or thrice about leaving base. Sierra Leone's Siaka Stevens......
Carnival In Conakry
Describing the event as 'a carnival' Radio Conakry (Conakry being the capital of the Francophone African state of Guinea) an- nounced that fifty-eight of the ninety-two people......
African Neighbourliness
General Idi Amin is a Moslem of the Nilotic Kakwa tribe, a Kings African Rifles veteran of the Burma campaign, a Sand- hurst chap. He wants no foreign interference and it is......
Old Kampala Coups
I cannot say that I learned of the over- throw of Dr Milton Obote of Uganda with any great regret: if a choice is to be made between quiet military men and noisy civil dictators......