Next Summer In Ottawa
Something of an end-of-term feeling pre- vailed on Friday as delegations began to leave and the conference rushed through its last items. The Zambian declaration, defused by Mr......
Waiting For Tuesday—
Monday passed soberly enough. Economic generalities followed the predictable course of those more anti-British members demand- ing the most from her in the name of partner-......
Agreement To Defer
In effect, agreement to differ had been trans- lated into agreement to defer. Sound and fury were channelled into the traditional British device of the Royal Commission.......
Conference Diary
The year of the Commonwealth MOLLY MORTIMER Singapore Everyone has gone home from the caucus race conference with prizes and nobody is tactless enough to ask who won; consensus......
Final Communiqué
Ottawa will be as significant as Singapore and probably as fiery, for the Commonwealth boasts some remarkably outstanding char- acters in its heads of state. Africa has real-......