France in Danger M. Daladier's speech in the French Chamber
this week was remarkable for his sombre account of the dangers facing France. He spoke of 3,000,000 men in arms on France's frontiers, and of the efforts in France itself to divide her from her allies ; these efforts, according to M. Daladier, are of foreign origin, but to many it seems that the most dangerous propaganda in France is that which is conducted by Frenchmen of the school of M. Flandin, who still hope to revive the policy of " appeasement." M. Daladier also referred to the terrible financial burdens im- posed on France by the international situation ; but he expressed once again her determination to resist all attempts at domination in Europe, and her willingness to make every sacrifice to this end. Perhaps the most ominous words in this speech were his statement that this summer would be decisive. The magnitude of the issues raised by M. Daladier overshadowed the debate in the Chamber which, on that day, had discussed and adopted the Proportional Represen- tation Bill. M. Daladier's authority has risen with the fall in the prestige of Parliament ; the decisive issues of the day are, with the country's consent, in the hands of the executive and Parliament cannot even criticise effectively.