"oxford " As Epithet
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIE,—Despite Mr. A. P. Herbert's stout resistance, the " groups" appear, for their private purposes, to have annexed the honoured name of......
Hypomnemata Antiquaria B .
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, — I am at work on a biography of John Aubrey, the seventeenth-century antiquary, and write to inquire if any of your readers can give me......
New York Panorama
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, —We have naturally read with much appreciation Mr. D. W. Brogan's review of our publication, New York Panorama, in your issue of June 16th.......
4, The Discovery Of Man " [to The Editor Of
THE SPECTATOR] Sta,—I expect that every writer of a book has to endure the saddening experience of reading at least one review which consists of a long charge-sheet of omissions......
Names In Asia
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sul,—In Central Asia matters of nomenclature are complicated. A new name the traveller meets may be Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Turki, Tajiki......
Scots Law And English
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, —In his letter under this heading in your issue of June 23rd Mr. W. A. Millar refers to marriages hitherto styled " irregular," and says :......