30 JUNE 1939, Page 22


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—We have naturally read with much appreciation Mr. D. W. Brogan's review of our publication, New York Panorama, in your issue of June 16th. Mr. Brogan is so generous in his acknowledgement of the book's interest and utility that we should be glad to have the opportunity of commenting on the only serious criticism which he passes, i.e., the lack of a map.

No overall map or sectional street maps were included in New York Panorama because these will appear in the companion volume, New York City Guide, which is just completed and which we hope will shortly be on the English market. New York City Guide is particular where New York Panorama is general ; and the editorial committee of this two- volume work decided that it would be more practical to Confine the maps to one volume than to scatter them through two. We hope when Mr. Brogan has seen a copy of New York City Guide he will feel that they decided rightly.—