Rolls-royce Expanding Turnover Shareholders In Armament...
time accustomed to an economy of information in their chairmen's speeches which the present situation demands. Nevertheless, Lord Herbert Scott's address at the Rolls-Royce......
Lead And Zinc Outlook Coming So Recently After The...
of the British import duties on zinc and the new effort to obtain an inter- national agreement on that metal, Lord Home's speech at Wednesday's meeting of the Zinc Corporation......
Neuchatel Asphalt " Road-making And Its Allied Industries...
occu- pations which flourish most in times of peace. A war might very well bring home to the authorities, if nothing else would, the inadequacy of many of our main arteries, but......
Eangrin Tin Results Tin Companies Are Treating Their...
the buffer pool on a conservative basis-a necessary precaution, even though the pool is at the moment batting on a very favourable wicket. Thus Mr. Kenneth 0. Hunter, chairman......
[a Prize Of A Book Token For One Guinea Will
be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not......
Solution To Crossword No. 16 Solution Next Week
The winner of Crossword No. 16 is Mrs. Boase, 24 Draycott Avenue, S.W.3.......