30 JUNE 1939, page 18

A Furtive Stranger

For the second time recently a bird of the same species has been sent to me for identification. The later victim came from Devonshire. It was seen and much admired one day as it......

New Forest Deer A Humanitarian Plea, That Has A Certain

logic in it as well as sentiment, is to be raised on behalf of the deer in the New Forest. The place was originally, of course, a hunting- ground, especially for deer, which......

The Vocal Partridge

Some more details of the very minute and curious observa- tions made at Jealott's Hill in reference to the partridge may interest bird watchers in general. It is noticed that......

Country Life

A Very Royal Show In the annals of the show of the Royal Agricultural Society, v‘hich is to celebrate its centenary in the Great Deer Park at Windsor, the greatest successes,......

In The Garden It Is The Hour Of The Briar

rose ; both dog and field rose are in magnificent flower in the wild, and the garden follows suit. The Penzance briar is perhaps the most useful. If the tip of the long shoots......

Science For The M.c.c.

It frequently happens in a cricket match, as in the latest Test, that batsmen appeal against the light ; and the decision is left to the bare judgement of two fallible umpires.......

Three Woodpeckers The Lengthy Song Or Call Of The Green

Woodpecker, which has earned it the name of Yaffle, and the very loud drum- ming of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker announce their neighbourhood to all concerned. The Lesser......