The " Free Corps " in Danzig The tension at
Danzig was greatly intensified during the last week. The most authoritative sources report the arrival of 1,40o armed German officers and men and of supplies of arms and munitions. The " specialists " sent from Ger- many, whose total number is estimated at between 2,000 and 3,000, will take part in organising and training the " Free Corps " which is being formed in Danzig; its mem- bers are reported to be already at work in digging trenches and earthworks. The function of the " Free Corps " will be, in the event of a Nazi coup d'Otat, to hold the city against Polish intervention until further assistance is sent from Germany; it is possible also that the military prepara- tions are intended to provoke the Poles into action that may discredit them in the eyes of their allies. It is significant that, while the Nazis have been taking these steps in Danzig, alarming rumours have circulated in Berlin of an immediate coup in the Free City. It is not necessary, however, to believe that the activity in Danzig means that Herr Hider now intends to achieve its return at all costs; it is more likely meant as a demonstration to the Poles and their allies of the risks they will run if they continue to resist his demands, which Herr Hitler continues to believe can be achieved, as at Munich, by a " bloodless war."
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