30 JUNE 1939, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

SIR,—Most of Dr. Goebbels' propaganda speeches are too crude to need contradiction. But it must be remembered that Herr Hitler's theory is that the most fantastic statement will be believed if it is repeated often enough.

In his last speech he complains that " Germany is a ' have- not' nation. It has to count every penny it spends, and has to live from hand to mouth." And one is prompted to ask, " Why? "

Is not the real reason to be found in the complete failure of Herr Hitler's self-sufficiency policy (only a dictator can never admit failure), which has diverted the bulk of the wealth and labour of the people to the piling up of entirely un- necessary. armaments, enormously lowered the standard of living, and practically killed healthy foreign trade?

I say " unnecessary armaments" advisedly. Without a single army corps both the German and the Italian people would live in perfect security from everybody but their own leaders.

jibes at the " pluto-democracies" are frequent from both countries. But let figures speak for themselves. During the Nazi regime the number of millionaires in Germany has increased by 1,266 ; the number of multi-millionaires by 18o ;

and undivided company profits from 45o millions in 1932 to 2,200 in 1937. Evidently a chosen few are profiting from the armaments boom.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully,

Lynchmere, Surrey.