30 JUNE 1939, Page 6

* * * * The Octavian must be about the

only penny quarterly magazine in England. Edited by Patricia Whish, it is the clarion of the Octavian Society, which seeks from an address in Barnes to " combat all ungenerous treatment of the Duke of Windsor, and assure fit recognition of his long and able service to the British peoples." How does the society fulfil these estimable objects? By launching a " nation-wide cam- paign under the slogan of ' Bring the Duke Home.' " One contributor hints at a military command ; another draws regretful attention to the convention which must forbid the Duke of Windsor, as a peer of the realm, from becoming Prime Minister. But the star performer is undoubtedly Mr. Compton Mackenzie, who acclaims the Duke of Wind- sor as " the only man who can save Europe." Mr. Mackenzie writes as though the question of the Duke of Windsor's domicile were a major international issue, and he adds: " the loudest opposition I have heard expressed to the return of the Duke and Duchess has been in financial circles that stand to gain from war." The publication of this sort of stuff is hard to reconcile with Mr. G. F. Whish's pronounce- ment that " we must do nothing which would be likely to cause the Duke embarrassment."