[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIt."3 Sfn,—Looking through Stubbs's "Select Charters" the other day I came across a writ of summons to Parliament in the year 1283 which may perhaps interest some of your readers. The writ is addressed by Edward I. to the Mayor of London and the mayors of other large towns, instructing them to cause to be elected two of the more competent and discreet citizens to meet the King at Shrewebury. The occasion of the summons was stated by the King to be the outbreak of serious trouble in Wales, due largely to the activity of an individual named David, who, in spite of the kind treatment he had received from the King of England, was devoting himself to stirring up strife. The representatives of the towns arc summoned to consider what is to be done with "the aforesaid David."—I am, Sir, &c., H. C. London.