The Clergy List. (kelly's Directories. 12s. 6d.)—this...
for its completeness and the care with which it is kept to date, the highest praise. It tells us all that we can reasonably expect to know about the organization of the Church......
The English Catalogue Of Books For 1911. (sampson Low,...
and Co. Os. net.)—The year produced 10,014 books, of which 8,530 were new and 2,384 now editions. This is a record number, exceeding 1910 by 110 and 1001 by 4,970. "Fiction"......
Lovers Of Gardens, Whether They Be In Town, Or Suburb,
or country, and have little or largo space to experiment with, are in no lack of counsel. The "Present-Day Gardening Series" (T. C. and E. C. Jack) is one of .these helps. A......
The American Year-book. Edited By Francis G. Wickware,...
and Co. 15s. not.)—This book represents thirty-eight learned and technical societies ; is brought out under the super- vision of a board, on which they are represented ; and is......