An Example Of Profit-sharing.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—I am on the board of a long-established manufacturing company in Yorkshire with a paid-up capital of over 2400,000, in £10 shares, and......
Economic Laws.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In criticising the various suggestions put forward for the settlement of the coal strike you correctly insist that no arrangement, even......
Portuguese Slavery And The British Alliance.
[To Tun EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] you permit me to make a correction in the letter - written from San Thome on February 29th P I stated iltiet cilia that "the Republican......
The Trade Disputes Act.
rTo TUE EDITOR OP TEE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It may be well to note exactly in what points the Trade Disputes Act of 1906 has contributed to the success of the railway and the coal......
Rto The Editor. Of The "spectator.']
SIR,—As an employer who has "served his time," may I make some comment on the letter of Mr. E. Hues which appears in your issue of March 23rd P My qualification as critic is as......