The Cabinet Ministers Who Supported The Second Reading...
Birrell, Mr. Burns, Mr. Lloyd George, Sir Edward Grey, and Mr. Runciman. Those who voted against it were Mr. Asquith, Mr. Buxton, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Hobhouse, Mr.......
The Amendment For Including The 5s. And 2s. Rates In
the Bill was subsequently defeated by 326 votes to 83. Various other amendments were considered, the most important of which, moved by Mr. Buxton and carried, added to the Bill......
The Minimum Wage Bill Passed Through Its Remaining Stages In
the House of Commons on Tuesday night. The most important feature of the debate was the Prime Minister's statement early in the evening describing the failure of the last......
The Conciliation Bill Was On Thursday Night Rejected By The
House of Commons on the Second Reading by a majority of 14 (222-208). The result is one which will cause a sense of unqualified satisfaction throughout the country. We venture......
On Friday Week The Progress Of The Minimum Wage Bill
through the House of Commons was unexpectedly interrupted. In the course of the debate that evening Mr. Ramsay MacDonald intimated that if the "5 and 2" amendment were accepted......
Mr. Wedgwood And Mr. Lansbury No Doubt Dream Of Some
day finding themselves at the head of a State founded on their special principles. If tholee principles were attacked by reactionaries, and if the said reactionaries attempted......
Telegrams From America Indicate That Mr. Roosevelt, Like...
chiefs before him, is finding out how tremendous is the strength and solidarity of the nartv machine. We would advise our readers to remember, however, that in America, as......
The Rejection Of The Consolidated Fund Bill Was Moved By
Mr. Wedgwood in the House of Commons on Monday in order to protest against the Attorney-General's action in instituting the Syndicalist prosecutions. Mr. Wedgwood protested that......
An Analysis Of The Vote Shows That The Bill Was
defeated by the action of the Nationalists. Forty-seven of them voted against the Bill and none in favour of it, though ten abstained, among those ten being the Irish members of......