30 MARCH 1912, Page 17


Sin,—Am writing to thank you very much for the paper you sent me, and very pleased to see such a good account of the boys. I can say it was the best six nionths of my life up till the present. There are three of us in the --••• that belonged to the company on the Heath. They were very pleased to have a read at the paper. We are getting on first rate. I am an prfiQer's servant. We served one year in England, four years

in India, and three -months here. If you should see Pollock would you Pease remember .us-to him, and tell him we wish to thank him for- the good old time On the Heath ?-

[We have received these letters with the greatest possible - pleasure, and, though they. were probably not intended for publication, we feel sure the writers will not object to their appearance, nor will the military authorities, we venture to hope, regard our action as inconsistent with the rule against soldiers - writing to the Press. —ED. Spectator.]