THE ROPE TRICK [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Snt,—Your
correspondent, Mr. H. G. Rawlinson, will find the information he is seeking in Mr. Sydney W. Clarke's paper published six years ago in a number of The Magic Wand, a journal devoted to conjuring. This very interesting paper was briefly summarized in my article on " Indian Con- juring " published in Black-wood's Magazine for April, 1933, pages 490 and 491. The subject of levitation is also dealt with by me in the same article on pages 492 to 494,
The Occult Committee has for many years investigated the claims of any who have asserted that they have seen the Rope Trick. We hope to deal with this evidence at a meeting shortly to be held in London.
I do not know whether Mr. Vanes seriously believes the story about the Yogi in his letter. It is so fantastically improbable that I fmd it hard to believe he really does so. I'ast experience has shown us how such evidence breaks down as soon as the claimant is submitted to cross-ques- t ioning. I have too often been sadly reminded. of what the royal Psalmist said in his haste, and of the Scotsman's com- ment that he might have repeated it at his leisure.—I am,