30 MARCH 1934, page 23

The Soldier Of Fortune

Silk Hat and Spurs. By General Rafael do Nogales. (Wright and Brown. 18s.) GENERAL NOGALES is a general with a temperament and a prose style. They are, as the saying is, all his......

Society M The South Seas

Malekula : A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. By A. Bernard Deacon. (Routledge. 42s.) THE tragic death of Mr. A. B. Deacon at the age of twenty- four robbed social......

Art From Above Enjoying Pictures. By Clive Bell. (chatto And

Windus. 7s. 6d.) Mn. CLIVE BELL is a highbrow, and knows it, and is proud of it, and does not hesitate to say so. This fact is the key to his new volume of essays, and to it can......