30 MARCH 1934, page 19


THE raw materials of love are yours— Fond hearts, and lusty blood, and minds in tune : And so, dear innocents, you think yourselves Lovers full-blown. Am I, because I own......

Miracles And Eastern Thought

[To the Editor of Tan SPECTATOR.] Sni, — Some time ago I wrote to protest against Mr. Gerald Heard's review of my book A New Argument for God and Sur- vival, in which he......

The Cuckoo's Secret [to The Editor Of Tnr. Spectator.]...

claim to have won Mr. Chance's first wager, which appeared in The Spectator of February 16th, that " cuckoos always lay their egg in the nest and do not place it there by the......

Towards Employment [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

like to call the attention of your readers to the Work Finders' Fund. This is a charity run on a small but effective scale by three people who give their time and money for......