The " Official " Year Book.
Particular interest attaches to the issue of the Stock Exchange Official Year Book for 1934, inasmuch as it marks the disappearance of two books long familiar to financial and......
A Good Recovery.
The latest annual report of the International Nickel Company of Canada, in which there are usually active dealings on international account, shows that the company experienced a......
The Eastern Bank.
At the recent annual meeting of the Eastern Bank, the Chairman, Mr. J. S. Haskell, made some interesting references to conditions in the countries where the Bank's operations......
National Bank Of India.
In spite of low money rates and a general contraction of commercial activities, the latest report of the National Bank of India is a satisfact ory document. The gross profits......
The Bonuses Arising Out Of The Quinquennium Are Again On
most generous scale, but it is not surprising that as regards the future the Chairman should have uttered a word of (Continued on page 524.) Financial Notes (Continued from page......