Particular interest attaches to the issue of the Stock Exchange Official Year Book for 1934, inasmuch as it marks the disappearance of two books long familiar to financial and business circles. The Stock Exchange Year. Book, which was first published in 1875, and the Stock Exchange Official Intelligence, which under the title of " Burdett's Official Intelligence " was first published in 1882, • have now been merged into one volume, and the result is a work of reference, if possible, more indispensable than either of the other two. Or, to be more precise, it combines the best features of the former rival volumes. The book appears under the authority of the Stock Exchange Committee, and is published by Thomas Skinner and Co. at the price of 60s. It is fully worth the price, for in it is to be found accurate and up-to-date ill' formation on practically every security dealt in on the London Stock Exchange. The Supplementary Index, which contains references to more than 14,000 defunct and other companies no longer dealt with, can be obtained from the same source who ready, which will be towards the end of April. Price, 2s. Ua•