LIFE AND LETTERS Edited by Hamish Miles The change of
Life and Letters from a half-crown quarterly to a florin monthly is also the metamorphosis of an organ of somewhat unfocussed aims and unsettled quality into a paper which has every appearance of vitality and an intelligent policy. The first number in its new form is as good an issue of a monthly review as has been seen in this country for sonic time. The contributors of articles include Mr. Aldous Huxley, who writes on " War and Emotion," Mr. Wyndham Lewis who (in an admirable essay) discusses the writing of Mr. Ernest Hemingway, Mr. Sean 0'11'80111in who gives his recollections of an Irish School, Mr. Bonamy Dobree, and Mr. Eric Linklater ; there is a poem by Mr. Herbert Read, and short stories by Mr. Stephen Spender and Miss Jenny Ballou ; book reviews are few, but their subjects have been admirably selected. If Life and Letters can main- tain the standard of excellence it has set in this number, to support it will amount to a duty for anyone interested in literature and its related subjects, and the survival of the most useful type of periodical for their discussion.