Financial Notes
THE report presented to the recent annual general meeting of the Scottish Provident Institution last Wednesday was n excellent one, the net new business completed for the rear of £3,134,208 being the largest ever recorded by the institution. The Chairman also was able to report the suit of the Quinquennial Investigation. The average net rate of interest earned during the quinquennium works Out at about £4 7s. per cent., but inevitably in the current
uinquennium, said the Chairman, a marked drop must be ooked for unless some radical change takes place in interest
Les. The present position is an exceedingly strong one, he valuation disclosing a surplus of £2,098,320, which is slightly more than the amount disclosed five years ago. 'the Directors are allotting to policies in the Common Fund, tv,
artieipating for the first time, additions at the rate of 30s.
r cent. on the sum assured in respect of each complete ear of their duration at full tabular rates up to December 31st last, excluding the five years 1014-1018.