30 OCTOBER 1920, Page 1


VVE are glad to learn, as wo go to press, that terms for the settlement of the miners' strike have been arranged between the Government and the Miners' Federation Executive. Ac, however, the compromise has to be submitted to a ballot of the menZit would be premature to assume that this lamentable dispute is at an end. Everything depends, as we saw a fortnight ago, on the wording of the ballot paper and on the advice given to the men by their leaders. It may be hoped that the Executive will use their influence this time to bring the strike to a speedy close. We have no official information, at the time of writing, as to the terms which have been drafted in the course of the week's negotiations. But it is understood that the miners will receive a temporary advance of two shillings a clay on condition that they co-operate with the coal-owners in securing the increased output of coal which is absolutely essential.