30 OCTOBER 1920, page 2

A Small Party Of Troops On A Motor-lorry, Escorting A

oar with despatches, was ambushed by Sinn Feiners on Friday last on the road from Bandon to Cork. Lieutenant Dickson, of the Essex Regiment, and a soldier were shot dead, two......

Mr. Macswiney, The Lord Mayor Of Cork, Committed Suicide In

Brixton Prison on Monday. He had—or is said to have— refused food since August 12th last, when he was arrested with other conspirators. He was tried by district court-martial on......

The Government Announced In The Board Of Trade Journal Last

week that they would not exercise their right, under a clause of the Peace Treaty, to seize the property of German subjects in this country " in the case of voluntary default by......

By An Ironical Coincidence Mr. Adamson, One Of The Miners'

leaders who have done eo much to cause unemployment, had to move, in the House on Thursday week, a resolution urging the Government to do more for the unemployed. He had no......

The Young King Of Greece Died On Monday After An

illness occasioned by a monkey's bite. King Alexander, who was only twenty-seven, succeeded to the throne in June, 1917, when his father, King Constantine, was deposed and his......

The Elaborate Clauses Of The Treaty Of Versailles Under...

Danzig was to be a Free City while Poland had the right to use the port have proved difficult to work. The Connell of Ambassadors last week drafted a Polish-Danzig Convention......

Sir H. Greenwood Was Asked On Monday And Tuesday In

the House to justify certain cases of alleged " reprisals " in Ireland to which wide currency had been given by certain newspapers. He was able to show that, as we have always......

The Bolsheviks, In Alliance With The Turks, Presented An...

to Armenia on October 17th, requiring her to break aft relations with the Allies, denounce the Turkish Peace Treaty, and admit Bolshevik and Turkish troops into the country.......

A Serious Native Riot Occurred On Saturday At Port...

The president of the Native Workers' Organization, named Masabalata, was arrested. His followers attacked the police- station with the object of releasing him. The police and......

The Intimate Connexion Between The Extreme Labour Men And...

Fein is well illustrated by the case of the Protestant carpenters employed in the Belfast shipyards. The executive of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters, to which they......