30 OCTOBER 1920, page 1

The Extremists Led By Mr. Cramp, Who Dispute Mr. Thomas's

leadership, persuaded the delegates of the National Union of Railwaymen on Thursday week to order a railway strike at midnight on Sunday, " unless the miners' claims are granted......

The Prime Minister, Speaking Late On The Same Night In

the House, described the interference of the railwaymen's executive as exceedingly rash, indiscreet and precipitate. He had been engaged with some of the miners' leaders for two......

We Print Elsewhere A Letter From Mr. Claude Montefiore...

with the Jewish problem. We of course agree heartily with Mr. Montefiore that there are plenty of patriotic English Jews. Ho is one of them. We have never stated otherwise.......

News Of The Week.

VV E are glad to learn, as wo go to press, that terms for the settlement of the miners' strike have been arranged between the Government and the Miners' Federation Executive.......

The Young King Of Greece Died On Monday After An

illness occasioned by a monkey's bite. King Alexander, who was only twenty-seven, succeeded to the throne in June, 1917, when his father, King Constantine, was deposed and his......

Mr. Smillie On Thursday Week Made A Violent Speech In

Glasgow, as if to show that he was not, after all, a man of peace. He accused the Government of seeking to " play the capitalists' game" by defeating the miners, as a......

On Friday Week The Parliamentary. Committee Of The Trade...

Congress decided to call a special conference of trade union executives and stated at the same time that action by separate bodies was undesirable. The railwaymen's executive......

To Our Readers.

Should our readers experience any difficulty in obtaining the SPECTATOR during their absence from home at Newsagents or Railway Bookstalls, will they please communicate at once......

%* The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his beet to return contributions in case of rejection.......


Owing to the Government having taken over our old twemises„ We have removed to new offices. 13 York Skeet, Cereal Garden, W.C. 2, where all communications should be addressed.......