30 OCTOBER 1920, Page 1

We print elsewhere a letter from Mr. Claude Montefiore dealing

with the Jewish problem. We of course agree heartily with Mr. Montefiore that there are plenty of patriotic English Jews. Ho is one of them. We have never stated otherwise. There are, however, as we have pointed out, plenty of English Jews who, though they fought well in the war and are in every way good men, feel that they are Jews first and Englishmen second. These men we do not condemn in the very least, but we do not consider them as Veri Socii—i.e., complete British citizens. We esteem the law of love as much as Mr. Montefiore, but we deny absolutely that we have violated it in what wo have written as to the Jews. It is only by gross misrepresentation that the Spectator can be described as encouraging the perse- cution of the Jews.