30 OCTOBER 1920, page 20

The Last Days Of The Romanovs. By Robert Wilton. (thorn'

ton Butterworth. 15s. net.)—The Tsar and his whole family were murdered at Ekaterinburg on July 16th, 1918, by a Bol- shevik Jew named Yurovsky, at the order of the Bolshevik......

Poets And Poetry.

COLLECTIONS OF MR. DE LA MARE'S POEMS.* MOST readers will feel in looking through these collections of Mr. de la Mare's work that nobody since Shakespeare and Cole- ridge has......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in Me column does not necmcarily rots& dubaddild. 1 mine/ The Scottish Historical Review for October has two items of interest for students of the life of Mary Queen of......

Indian Trade Enquiry : Reports On Rice. (murray. Es. Net.)—

This volume of reports prepared by the Imperial Institute Committee for India, at the request of the Secretary of State for India, deals fully with the trade in Indian rice and......

The Bagging Of Baghdad. By Ernest Betts. (lane. 7s. 65.

act.)—Despite an unfortunate title, this little book on the Mesopo- tamian campaign is worth reading. The author's object is to describe a soldier's feelings in battle. He is a......

Ruskin The Prophet And Other Centenary Studies. Edited By J.

Howard Whitehouse. (G. Allen and Unwin. 8s. 6d. net.)— These lectures and essays were written last year in connexion with the centenary of Ruskin's birth. Mr. Masefield's......

An Introduction To The Study Of Terra Sigillata. By Felix

Oswald and T. Davies Pryce. (Longman. 42s. not.)—To students of Roman archaeology this elaborate treatise on what is commonly called " Samian " ware, from the chronological......

Crossing The Line With H.r.h. The Prince Of Wales. (sydney;

Angus and Robertson.)—The time-honoured ceremonies custo- mary on every British warship when she crosses the Equator were performed with special care in the ` Renown ' on April......

Poem Worthy Os Coxsmxn&viox.—mr. John Austin's Poems Are...

than their title suggests. The contents of Poems for Men (Basil Blackwood, 5s.) do not resemble the effusions of the late Miss Ella Wheeler Wilcox, for they contain real humour.......