30 OCTOBER 1920, Page 1

The young King of Greece died on Monday after an

illness occasioned by a monkey's bite. King Alexander, who was only twenty-seven, succeeded to the throne in June, 1917, when his father, King Constantine, was deposed and his elder brother, the Duke of Sparta, was excluded from the succession on account of their violent pro-German sympathies. King Alexander had Played the part of a constitutional monarch with much toot, and his premature death is a loss to Greece. His younger brother, Prince Paul, has the right of succession if he cares to avail himself of it. M. Venizelos has, however, made it clear that the ex-King and his eldest son must definitely renounce their claims before Prince Paul is permitted to ascend the throne. Failing Prince Paul, the Greek Chamber, with addi- tional deputies elected for the occasion, will elect a now King.