30 OCTOBER 1920, Page 12


' [To THE EDITOR or me "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of October 23rd, under the heading of " The Irish Rebellion," " Unionist," speaking of juries acquitting Sinn Feiners, says: "In one sense I could not blame them, as it is a part of their religion that a false oath is justifiable if made for a good cause." Now, the Catholic Catechism ordered by the Synod of Maynooth, and used in every Catholic church and school in Ireland, contains the following extracts:—

"Page 33.—Perjury is a most grievous sin.

Page 37.—No lie can be lawful or innocent, and no motive, however good, can excuse a lie, because a lie is always sinful and bad in itself."

Some other points in "Unionist's" letter are also open to criticism, but I refrain from trespassing further on your space. —Trusting your sense of justice will give insertion to these few