31 JANUARY 1857, Page 13


This is the appropriate name of a game recently published by Mr. Jacques of Hatton Garden, well known for emanations of a similar kind. The principle of the game is evidently derived from that of Backgammon —hence the substantive "Gammon"; ; the shape of the board is circular—hence the adjective Itotary." There is also this material difference between the old game and the new, that the latter, like the Indian Paunehee, employs four players. As the manner in which a principle is carried out is an important consideration in pastimes of this sort, it may be mentioned that the board and pieces look exceedingly gay, with their four colours ; and that a very ingenious form of captivity is contrived for those luckless " men " who may be taken by their enemies, and, in the language of the game, placed "in bond."