Mr. Thackeray At The Surrey Gardens.
Our great humorist has this week found himself in the midst of a "new set." On'Wednesday evening he commenced his well-known lectures on the "Four Georges," in the large edifice......
Railway Arrangements.
The dividend of the South - Western Railway for the past half-year is to be 31. 58. ; for the preceding half-year it was 21. 15s.; making a distribution for the year of 6 per......
Tot 64tatrts.
America, now as ever the land of wonders, has sent us a histrionic family named Howard, who, in a new version of Uncle Tom's Cabin, display talents as various in degree as in......
Parisian Theatricals,
M. Auguste Magnet has turned his novel .La Belle Gabrielk into a drama of the same name, which is now played at the Porte Saint-Martin.......
Mr. Thackeray At The Surrey Gardens.
Our great humorist has this week found himself in the midst of a "new set." On'Wednesday evening he commenced his well-known lectures on the "Four Georges," in the large edifice......