Dr. Doran's Monarchs Retired From Business. *
Tins is a better book than so forced and flippant a title might lead one to suppose. The characteristic laxities of the author will of course be found in it. He is not more......
Publications Received.
Booxs. The Life and Opinions of General Sir Charles -James Napier. G.C.B. By Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Napier, R.C.B.,&e. 8r.c. In four volumes. Volumes L and II. With Portraits. The......
/in Irt5,
THE ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION. A very full meeting of the Architectural Association was held on Friday the 23d, at Lyon's Inn Hall, to hear an address from Mr. Ruskin on the Use......
Picture Sales.
A collection of modern English pictures, the property of a gentleman in the North of England, and including works by many of our leading artists, was sold at Messrs. Foster's on......