Kinoweston, Somerton, 251h January 1857. Sm—Allow me to put in a wora, before the session begins, on this subject.
It is no disparagement to the ratepayers, whether farmers or tradesmen, to say that they are not fit to manage it. The comfort and respectability of tho medical profession, and still more the welfare of the poor, require that the cost be paid out of the Consolidated Fund, instead of the rates, and the management be intrusted to the Poor-law Board. The principle has been partially admitted in the payment by the Government of half the salary of competent workhouse schoolmasters. Proper as this is, I fear that almost every Union could tell something of medical men ill treated, and of poor neglected, which combined would make out a much stronger case for a measure to insure proper medicines and attendance for the sick poor. I have no doubt that if you are willing to pursue the subject, the medical profession will give you ample materials. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, F. IL Dican:sost.