t4r Ormg.
WAR-OFFICE, Pall Mall, Jan. 27.-Cacalry-Ist Dragoons--Lieut. W. E. Curtis has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission ; W. Balfe, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Curtis, who retires. Infantry-9th Foot-Ensign J. H. Bolton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sealy, who retires ; J. L. Bradshaw, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bolton. 14th Foot-Brevet-Col, P. Farquharson, from halfepay Unatt. to be Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Col. Barlow, who exchanges ; Major R. Budd to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Farquharson, who retires ; Brevet-Major IV. C. Trevor to be Major, by purchase, vice Budd ; Lieut. H. H. A'C. Inglefield to be Capt. by purchase, vice O'Toole, who retires; Capt. If. Petrie, from half-pay 19th Foot, to be Capt. vice Inglefield, placed upon half-pay ; Lieut. It. H. Vivian to be Capt. by purchase, vice Newman, who retires ; Capt. F. Smythe, from half-pay 19th Foot, to be Capt. vice Vivian, placed on half-pay ; Lieut. J. E. Matthews to be Capt. by purchase, vice Trevor.
23,1 Foot-Lieut. J. Williamson to be Instructor of Musketry. 28th Foot-Limit. W. F. Richards has been permitted to resign has commission. 38th Foot-Lieut A. W. Barron, from the tat West India Relict. to be Lieut. vice Fitzgerald, who exchanges. 5Ist Foot-Assist.-Surg. P. Kilgour, from the Staff, to be Assist:Sin. vice Camp
bell, Who exchanges.
60th Foot-Ensign and Adjt. G. C. Kelly to have the rank of Lieut,; Ensign C. Y. Jones to be Lieut. without purchase, vice T. S. Richardson, deceased ; Ensign F. A. Campbell, from the 54th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Jones, promoted. 67th Foot-Major J. W. Thomas, from the 77th Foot, to be Major, vice BrevetDeverell, who exchanges.
77th Foet-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. T. J. Deverell, from the 67th Foot, to be Meier, vice Thomas, who exchanges ; Ensign E. S. Baker to be Lieut. by purchase, vies Simpson, who retires.
89th Foot-Acting Asaist.-Surg. S. Bonnyrnan, M.B. to ho Assist.-Surg. vice Wiles, resigned.
Rjfle Brigade-Assist.-Surg. C. Thompson. MR from the Staff, to be Assist.Surg. vice Lougheed, appointed to the Royal Artillery.
let West India Reginaent-Brevet-CoL P. Hill, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, Tice Robeson, promoted, without purchase, to an Chan, Lieut.-Colonelcy ; Capt. W. J. Chamberlayne to be Major, by purchase, vice hill, who retires.
Lieut. C. L. J. Fitzgerald, from the 38th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Barron, who ext. changes.
Unattached-Lieut. J. R. Cuthbert, from the 10th Light Dragoons, to be Capt. by purchase.
Dgyot Bottation-Lieut. E. A. Hawker, from Paymaster 21st loot, to be Paymaster, Hospital Stoll'-Assist.-Surg. J. Campbell, M.D. from 51st Foot, to be Assist; &mg. vice Kilgour, who exchanges.
Brevet.-The undermentioned officer, having completed Hume years' actual service on the 13th Dec. 1856, in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant, 6th Oct. 1834: Lieut.-Col. B. Kiky, -18th Foot. Quartermaster J. Nowlan, retired on hall-pay of the 624 Foot, to have the honorary rank of Capt. under the Royal warrant of llth Dec. 1855. To be Major In the Army -Capt. E. Hindc, 65th Rest. Bengal Native Infantry.
Menterandum.-Brevet-Major W. J. Clerks, upon half-pay as a Capt. Ilnatt. has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission, he being about to become a settler at the Cape of Good Hope.
Erratum in the Gazette of Jan. 16, 1857.-For 2d Weld India Regiment, Lieut. C. H. T. B. de Euvignes, from the 2Ist Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hartford, who exchanges, read 3d West India Regiment, Lieut. C. H. T. B. de Ruvignes, from the Stet Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hartford, who exchanges.