rar Eynon or Too sascrems."1
Sin,—Sir John Stirling Maxwell quotes Mr. Munro-Ferguson as having said that he made "£100,000 net profit in thirty years out of 4,000 acres of wood." Will Mr. Munro-Ferguson please show ordinary people how it was done P What was the value of the land to begin with ? What did it coat to plant, to fence, to keep, in order, what rates were paid, &a., Arc., Ac. P And, above all, how was the £100,000 made ? Sir John says that "the reason capitalists do not tumble over one another to engage" in this business is because the profits cannot be reaped for eighty years. I am not a capitalist, but "2100,000 set profit in thirty years " is good enough for me. May we
not learn how it was done P—I am, Sir, Sic., J. E. E.