Memories Of A Soldier's Life.
Memories of a Soldier's Life. By Sir H. M. Bengough, K.C.B. (Edward Arnold. 8s. 6d. net.)—Sir Harcourt Bengougb is one of the few survivors of the Crimean Campaign left to-day,......
Marriage On Small Means.
Marriage on Small Means. By Mrs. C. S. Peel. (Constable and Co. 30. 6d.)—The young man wno is meditating matri- mony on an exiguous income will be well advised to present a copy......
Motoring. By Algernon E. Berriman. (Methuen and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—The development of the motor-car into " a coin mon object of the country " has given birth to a whole library......
The Life Of Robert Toombs.
The Life of Robert Toombs. By Ulrich Bonnell Phillips. (Macmillan and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—Comparatively few readers in this country are well acquainted with the history of the......
Dress Design.
Dress Design. By Talbot Hughes. Illustrated by the Author. (John Hogg. Is. Gd. net.)—This is a new volume of "The Artistic Crafts Series of Technical Handbooks," edited by Mr.......
The Bankside Costume Book For Cmum:n.
The Dankside Costume Book for Children. Written and Illustrated by Melicent Stone. (Wells Gardner, Barton, and Co. Is. Gd. net.)—This companion volume to the Bontaide Acting......
Two Cookery Books.
The Kitchen Garden and the Cook. By Cecilia Maria Pearse. (Smith, Elder, and Co. Is. net.)—This " alphabetical guide to the cultivation of vegetables, with recipes for cooking......