A Reference In Juvenal. [to Vas Editor Or Talc...
SIR,—III your issue of October 25th, 1913(p. 656), the writer of a review of Mr. Ferguson's GreekImperialism speaks of the passage in Juvenal's 10th Satire about Alexander the......
[to In Editor Or 75n ..erareator..1
Sin,—Your article in the issue of January 17th notices the phrase, "A bold, bad man." Just before reading it I came across a use of the word " bold" in Ireland which is clearly......
[to Ins Editor Or Vas "syrctstor..1 Sie,—if The Writer Of
the article "The Casual Reader" in the Spectator of January 17th will look in Numbers xxxii. 23 of an old book called the Bible he will find the stock saying, "Be sure your sin......
[to Tale Editor Or Ter •'eractatol.")
SIE,—" Passive resistance" (Spectator, January 17th, p. 86)— " Here we are within the forbidden ground, without other impediment than the passive resistance of a heavy oak door,......
The Casual Reader.
[To Ma EDITOR Or TH. ..ErtOTSTOR...] SIE,—In reference to Mr. Houston's letter last week on anticipations of Carlyle's famous dictum, may I quote an English one? There was in......
[To can EDITOR or ram "ErECTATOTI...] Sta,—The lines quoted on the front page of last Saturday's Spectator, " When all the blandishments of life are gone, The coward slinks......
[To las EDISON. or me .. S.47.0II:1 Sat.,—So many interesting letters on "Mothering Sunday" appeared in the Spectator in the spring of last year that your readers may be glad to......
[to Thr Editor Or Tax "spectator...]
SIR,—Witb reference to the phrase or catchword "I don't think," there is no doubt it was used before the time of Dickens. A near relation of mine, born in the year 1800 spoke of......
[To Tan EDITOR or ens " SPECTATOR...1 Sru,—Your article in last week's issue scarcely does justice to what must always be the chief attraction to those who indulge in this......
[to The Editor Or Tim Nerectator.”] Sid“—" I Doubt "
means, or meant over eighty years ago, in Keswick, "I fear." When I was under ten years of age I indulged in a calf-love with Helen—the fifteenth child, by the way, out of......