So Far As Alsace-lorraine Itself Is Concerned, The Sequel...
announced in the papers of Friday. The Statthalter and the four principal Ministers of Alsace-Lorraine have resigned. It seems that the Statthalter, Count Wedel, offered his......
We Note With Satisfaction That The Union Government Of South
Africa have decided to remit the sentence of one month's imprisonment passed on Mr. F. P. Creswell, the leader of the Independent Labour Party. Mr. Creswell, who was charged......
When The Ship Comes Into English Waters And Is Alongside
an English quay, what will be the position then? In that case the parties will be within the jurisdiction of the Coma of King's Bench, and we presume that that Court, though it......
The Opposition In Sweden Have Presented Counter-pro-...
Government's scheme for naval defence, as they are not satisfied that the scheme is adequate. A remarkable fact of the movement is the determination of the peasants— who, as the......
The Debate Was Continued Last Saturday, When Two Resolu-...
were carried. The first resolution was moved by the Centre asking the Federal Council to see that the conditions upon which the military can intervene in police matters shall be......
The Times Of Tuesday Published From Its Special Come....
at the Hague a most interesting account of the plans for draining the Snider Zee. By this draining eight hundred and fifteen square miles of land will be reclaimed, and the......
The Zabern Crisis Has Come To An End, As We
expected, leaving everything much as it was before. The military despotism is maintained, and the majority of the Reichstag have failed, in characteristic manner, to press home......
The President Of The Portuguese Republic, Senhor Arriaga,...
that he would like to consult the leaders of the various parties with a view to forming a non-party Cabinet, Dr. Affonso Costa, the Prime Minister, and his Ministry have......
The ' Umgeni ' Is, We Believe, Not Fitted With
wireless, but if she were, and the captain took counsel's opinion thereby, we can imagine his being advised from this side to come as near as possible to the shore on a calm day......