[To MS EDITOR or ran SFEC711.0...] SIR,—Some seven years ago
the Government purchased from Mr. Malcolm, of Poltalloch, the estate of "Inverleven," on " Loch Awe side," for the purpose of growing timber on it. The estate has an area of about twelve thousand acres, and extends for about nine miles along Loch Awe side. Much of it is high land, quite unsuitable for timber. A good deal of the lower land has been planted with "larch," purchased, I am told, at a very low price in Germany, but the success has not been great. Would it not be an advantage if the accounts of the cost of purchase and maintenance of this estate were published for the information of persons anxious to plant their estates, or portions of them ? The timber grown on the West of Scotland is, I have been repeatedly informed, not of the same quality as that grown on the East side, especially that on Speyside, where the best timber is grown. " Inver. Seven" is an inland estate, not very suitable for the purpose for which it was purchased.—I am, Sir, de.,