WHNN we attempt persuasion, we seek means that accord with our notion of motives in those to be persuaded ; a rule which proves that candidates have very odd notions of the motives that sway constituencies. For rotten boroughs and purchaseable con- stituencies, such as Sudbury, Ipswich, or Bridport, the re- ceived motives which candidates put in action are gold, beer, and cudgels. If Englishmen are to elect the Representative Chamber, they are to be bought, besotted, and beaten into the duty. But it is in the really "independent" constituencies that the strangest motives are brought to light.
Mr. Charles Cochrane wishes the ancient city of Westminster to elect him ; and as time draws near, of course he brings forth his surest cards. One is, to parade the streets, shaded by large blue banners on which is inscribed his own name, and followed by gentlemen, hired for the day, and providently dressed for the oc- casion with decency, walking two and two. Wishing to be Member for Westminster, Mr. Cochrane causes several persons to walk in pairs along the carriage-way of the Strand, after the manner of "Odd Fellows," " United Carpenters," or "Associated Doll's Wig and Wax Head Makers " ; and he thinks that he shall take his seat in consequence. It is difficult to understand the logical sequence; but the motive imputed to Westminster must some- times exist, because the means sometimes succeeds.
The device resorted to by Mr. Hardcastle at Colchester has a wider sympathy in human nature. When Wear was murdered, the "real gig" in which Thurtell and his companion drove down to the scene of the murder was produced on the stage. In the new novel of Ranthorpe, the hero, falsely accused of murder, is invited to appear in a dramatized report. Not long since, an ec- centric Peer somewhat harshly used one of his mistresses, and the "real" Lais was paraded at the theatre. In short, the evi- dences of the feeling are universal : it consists in wonderment testing its own faith by touching some palpable pledge. In the days of Grimaldi, Colchester supplied London with the real "oyster crossed in love "—an amatory monster that signally vin- dicated native talent : in our own day, London returns the debt. Marylebone has been betrayed by the lightest and most venerable of political flirts : never was hoax more complete, never did the annals of electioneering exhibit a treachery so gratuitous ; it posi- tively deserves the title of monstrous. Here was an ornament for an electioneering pageant ! Mr. Hardcastle seeks to come before the Colchester electors with a dash; he sends up to Marylebone for„ the "real traitor," and actually appears on the hustings with the monster as his sponsor! There is no denying that he exhibited a great curiosity ; but how odd that Mr. Hardcastle should think it conducive to his own return as a legislator!