31 JULY 1847, page 10

Ebt 43robincez.

Goodwood Races commenced on Tuesday; but the rival attractions of the hustings seriously diminished the attendance. The quality of the sport on the first day was indifferent,......


At the weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, on Monday, " Cap- tain " Broderick announced, that the Union will assuredly be repealed in the next session of Parliament. The......

Jortign Artb Zw.x.—according To Accounts Which Seem...

been spared a revival of the Sicilian Vespers. For some days there were ru- mours of a conspiracy to restore the old system by a coup de main. So absurd, however, did the whole......


Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of Lord Arthur Marcia Cecil Hill as Treasurer, and of the Right Honourable William Sebright Lascelles as Comptroller of the Royal......