The Marseilles Telegraph Conveys The Following Heads Of...
anticipation of the overland mail from India. "The Bombay papers of the 29th Jane state that a new reduction had been effected in the army. The Goomsor was on fire from one......
The Committee Of Council On Education Have, Since The...
grant re- ceived the sanction of Parliament, had under their consideration representations made to them in memorials and by deputations as to the mode of carrying their recent......
The Theatres.
The classical opera is now in the ascendant at Covent Garden. Verdi and Donizetti have given place to Mozart and Rossini; and the theatre, to all appearance, profits by the......
The Swiss Quarrel.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. People's International League, 84, Hatton Garden, July 26, 1847. Sin—Will you allow me briefly to point out an important error in the article on......
Saturday, July Si.
Banbury. Pembroke. Chichester. Southampton. Falkirk Burghs. Thirst. Berefoni (City). Wilton. Northumberland (N.) Mohday, August 2. Dumfries Burghs. Paisley. Dundee. Tuesday,......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArfERNOON. The transactions of the week have been of a very unimportant character, and the fluctuation trifling. The tendency, however, has been upwards;.......