31 JULY 1847, page 13

Ballet Is Far More Fortunate At Her Majesty's Theatre; And

maintains its brilliance even amidst the unexampled career of Jenny Lind. The depar- ture of Carlotta Grisi stopped the "pas de quatre"; but it has a worthy successor in the......

The Theatres.

The classical opera is now in the ascendant at Covent Garden. Verdi and Donizetti have given place to Mozart and Rossini; and the theatre, to all appearance, profits by the......

Topics Of The Day.

• THE PARLIAMENTS OF 1841 AND 1847. THE late Parliament began a career—not foreseen, not univer- sally understood at the time—which will be continued by its successor. The......

There Are Very Few Comic Actors Who Attain That Position

with the Lon- don public that they draw by their own sole power of attraction almost irrespectively of the piece in which they may act. This position by no means implies that......

Mademoiselle Rachel Has Been Adhering To The Pieces...

to the public. The next novelty will be the ifitlaridate of Racine, which she will perform at her benefit.......