News of the Week S OON after he took office, and
when attacks on Jews. in Germany were multiplying, Captain Goring, as head of the•, Prussian police, declared publicly that no policeman should lift a finger to protect Jewish shops. The attacks increased and Jews in this country, America and elsewhere called protest meetings and talked of organizing a boycott of German goods. As reprisal the Nazi party has declared economic war on all Jews in Germany and Dr. Goebbels, the newly-appointed Minister of Propaganda, takes occasion to observe that the German people " will now pass from defence to attack and hew off the poison-swollen heads of the pan-Jewish lie-hydra." It is significant of the relations between the Nazi Party and the Nazi-Nationalist Government that the boycott is organized by the former and that the Government intends to intervene in the interests of the Jews only if foreign governments intervene to suppress what are described as anti-German movements. There seems every prospect that life for most of the 600,000 Jews in Germany will be made literally intolerable, for if no German employs a Jewish lawyer or doctor or enters a Jewish shop starvation is plainly in prospect. On the short view the Nazis may gain their ends. On the long view they will do Germany infinite harm by mobilizing the Jews of all the world, and millions of Christian sympathizers, against it.