31 MARCH 1933, page 17

The Lawbreaker

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sra,—As a former prison visitor, I agree with " Solicitor " and disagree with Mr. Ensor. The findings of Courts in regard to the capacity of......

Revision Of Treaties

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sne,—In your article on " The Four Powers and Europe" (The Spectator, March 25th) you state that " nowhere can a stronger case be made for......

Flouting Japan

[To the Editor of THE SPEcrAzon.] Sra,—A few days ago-I had a letter from an old and respected British resident of Tokyo from which I take the following : " I think the League......

Coal Combines

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your footnote to Sir John Latta's able letter in your issue of March 17th seems to me to overlook certain important considerations. "......

" [to The Editor Of Tim Spectator.] Sir,—mr. Cecil G.

Oakes' admirable protest against amateur justice indicates in the conspiracy of silence a reason why reform delays. Everyone, except the dumb sufferers and the few who......

Unproductive Employment

• [To the Editor of '1'n E SPECTATOR.] Sut,—It may perhaps be the irony of fate that, while such desperate attempts are now being made to put some limits on the unproductive......