Many Listeners Must Have Welcomed The Recent Debate On...
The rather sermonising tone adopted by the champion of anti-vivisection was not exactly - a help to the cause, but the sincerity of his appeal was obvious. His opponent seemed......
Also, There Are Three New Series Of Talks Of Particular
interest beginning during the course of the week. On Monday night Commander Stephen King-Hall, who shares with Mr. Vernon Bartlett an unusual ability in the popular explanation......
"the Spectator" Crossword No. 27
BY XANTHIPPE. p4 prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "......
The Radio Review
FOUR years ago the B.B.C. inaugurated a series of talks to which it gave the resounding title of " The National Lectures." Three only were to be broadcast during the course of a......
Items To Watch For.
Sunday : Pianoforte Recital-Hilda Dederich (Daventry National and London Regional, 12.30) ; Part Two of Bach's " St. Matthew Passion ' (Daventry National, 2.30) ; Violin......
Wireless Vaudeville, Despite All The Recent Agitation,...
the same state of unsatisfactoriness. I understand, however that there are hopes of a drastic change in the near future. This difficult department of broadcasting is likely to......
Solution Of Crossword No. 26.
TICICIIIi3E1111113130111113 . II 11 KU IN 113 11 D el131210101313 111111!1131111 , El 13 13V111 13 e 3 CI 1311131513111131113 012111111113 es rs 13 13 13k 11131111d1113......