31 MARCH 1933, page 22
Ferruccio Busoni Of Ferruccio Busones Life It Can Be Said
with singular aptitude that the child was father to the man. In early years there were formed in him most of the qualities that characterized him in manhood. At the age of eight......
The Salonika Expedition
Military Operations, Macedonia, to the Spring of 1917. By Captain Cyril Falls. Maps compiled by Major A. F. Becko. (H.M. Stationery Office : 12s. 6d. ; case of maps 5s. Od.) Tnn......
Origins of Sacrifice : A Study in Comparative Religion. By E. 0. James. (John Murray. 10s. 6d.) Is this important book Dr. E. 0. James, who is already known as an authority on......