Wireless vaudeville, despite all the recent agitation, remains in much
the same state of unsatisfactoriness. I understand, however that there are hopes of a drastic change in the near future. This difficult department of broadcasting is likely to be taken over by Mr. Eric Maschwitz. The sug- gestion is that he should be put in charge of Light Entertain- ment generally. The move would be a particularly good one, since Mr. Maschwitz has a decidedly vivid flair for the pre- sentation of certain types of programmes : lie believes that in broadcasting much more depends upon the manner than on the matter-anything can be made interesting if it is properly presented. He is fecund in ideas and abounding in energy. He has had considerable _experience with the films and is the author (under another name) of some of the most successful light radio plays that have been broadcast. * * * *