* * Mr. Churchill's denunciations of the B.B.C. for its
refusal to invite him to broadcast on India are periodic, and another-must be almost due. While the B.B.C. has in my view taken entirely the right line about this particular matter, I am impressed by the vigour with which I 'hear Sir John Reith and colleagues criticized even in definitely progressive quarters for the ample scope they give to spokesmen of the Left. I am bound to say I think there is something in the comment. The B.B.C. is not required to trim its sails to every electoral breeze, and the fact that there are 470 Conservative members in the House of Commons out of 615 certainly does not mean that the country is four-fifths Conservative. But the general trend of the B.B.C. talks on political and social subjects is not, I should say, fifty per cent. Con- servative in spirit. I am not a sufficiently ardent party man to mind that much myself, but I can quite under. stand that a good many only moderately ardent party men do.
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