31 MAY 1930, Page 2

India Serious news still comes from India, but the situation

has never been quite so bad as the pessimists feared. The disobedience which Mr. Gandhi organized is already taking new forms, most of which are in them- selves a confession that the technical offence of breaking the salt laws was an inadequate foundation of revolution. In Bombay the latest style of law- breaking is not the illicit manufacture of salt, but mass- raids upon the official salt factories. Where these raids have been sucfqnsful large amounts of salt have been stolen. In Bengal there have been communal riots which reveal careful premeditation, but the greater number of casualties during the past week have been in the Bombay mass-raids. The police deserve the deep- est sympathy and compel admiration by their restraint. They are always outnumbered, and in order to maintain any sort of control they are required to be incessantly either on duty or at call.

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